Mithril Miniatures Warg Riders: The Demon Wolves of Middle Earth Ride Forth to join the Bakshitsu Host

Summoned forth from the goblin-infested halls of the Lead Mountain to support their more lumpen brethen is a unit of Warg Riders. (Though it occurs to this scribe that Wargs are possessed of intelligence and language, so it might be more accurate to describe them as 'Wargs who thought to bring a packed lunch'.) Much …

Continue reading Mithril Miniatures Warg Riders: The Demon Wolves of Middle Earth Ride Forth to join the Bakshitsu Host

Oathmark, Mithril, Em4,Citadel & Warmonger/Wargames Foundry, Reaper, Ral Partha, Alternative Armies Orc Comparison: Expanding the Bakshi Horde: Now with added Orc.

As a follow up to the previous introduction of the Bakshi Orc, and pursuant of several queries, here is a brief comparison of several Orc/Goblin miniatures from various manufacturers, from a selection of Orcs that happen to be scattered among the thoroughfares and foundries of the Lead Mountain, some of whom will be joining the …

Continue reading Oathmark, Mithril, Em4,Citadel & Warmonger/Wargames Foundry, Reaper, Ral Partha, Alternative Armies Orc Comparison: Expanding the Bakshi Horde: Now with added Orc.

Fritz the Nazgul; Wargaming the 40th Anniversary of Ralph Bakshi’s Animated Lord of the Rings

Hard as it may be to conceive, there was a time before there was a Lead Mountain; a time before time itself; a time before memory and 'membering, before even that glooming Spider Queen, or her long-suffering scrivener. Though few recall or care to remember the darkness of those days, still there were things crawling …

Continue reading Fritz the Nazgul; Wargaming the 40th Anniversary of Ralph Bakshi’s Animated Lord of the Rings